IPO Advisory

Drafting and Vetting of DRHP Legal Vetting Peer Review Audit Completion of Due Diligence Secretarial Audit and Formation of Committees, Independent Director Commencement of due diligence process Filing of DRHP Approval from Stock Exchange Grant of approval by ROC Stock Exchange observations on the DRHP Filing of the Red Herring Prospectus (RHP) with the ROC Publication of the price band advertisement Commencement of listing and trading Closing of the IPO Allotment of shares Opening of the IPO Closure of the Mandate Discussion with Merchant Bankers Appointment of Various Intermediaries Meeting and understanding Capital requirements Internal Analysis for Preparation of Investor Deck and Financial Model Freezing on the Valuation range

How FinMen Fits

1 2 5 3 4 10 6 7 8 9 AnalyzeIPO Preparedness Design RobustBusiness Plan AppropriateValuation AppointingIntermediaries FacilitateDocumentation StrategicGuidance Roadshows ShareholderEngagement CorporateGovernance CompleteHand Holding

How FinMen Fits


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